After the gig 

a little post-mortem 

The technology was flawless, no laptop issues, no equipment failures. The music wasn't that bad too :) So, made a couple new fans and life is good. I've got a bunch of video of the show that I'll be editing and posting as soon as I can. I forgot to start the recording on time, so the intro wasn't recorded, but I can maybe have the intro be low quality from the video cameras as a sort of "effect." I tried something new at the last minute which was to have a video camera attached to a monitor giving a view of what my hands were doing which turned out to be quite effective. The thing I don't like about laptop shows is the distance placed between performer and audience because there is no connection between what the performer is doing and its effect on what people are hearing. This "performer cam" was an attempt to address this and it worked pretty well according to the people who saw it. 

Posted: Mon - December 13, 2004 at 04:48 PM          

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