How to make your podcast sound better

A couple of links for podcasters to look at to help make their podcasts sound better

Part of the lure of podcasts for many people is the immediacy and intimacy that they have. It sounds like you are in someone's head. However, there is a reason also why most people still listen to the radio, it just sounds better. Dare I say it sounds more "professional". There are a couple of podcasts that podcasters should check out to make their podcasts sound better.

One was Adam Curry's Daily Source Code from December 27th, 2004. In this podcast (and the pictures on the site), Adam talks about his setup. Especially which audio plug-ins that he uses. I've mentioned something like this in an earlier blog post. Now, he is a professional broadcaster, so he know how to work a microphone, but even he uses a compressor (his mda dynamics plug-in). You probably don't need a signal path nearly as complicated, but it is worth doing something to make it sound better.

Another podcast was from the NPR show "On The Media." In their December 31, 2004 show there was a segment by John Solomon about how NPR edits its broadcasts. This is definitely good listening for a podcaster. We really don't need to hear your coughs, people.

Posted: Tue - January 11, 2005 at 10:48 AM           |
